Welcome to lankafoods.ae!
Refund Policy
lankafoods.ae will guarantee the quality and value of every order. Delivery will be made on the date requested and every effort will be made to meet requests as per the preferred times period.
The decision on refund will vary on case-to-case basis and there will be certain criteria’s for that:
- Spoil on arrival
- Unable to procure products
- A reasonable time of 01 to 02 days from the date of authorization has to be given
Lost in You will receive a full refund of your order after a standard inquiry in case of damage or loss during the delivery. Refund is allowed only once duly approved by after sales service team of lankafoods.ae.
- If the product is not available then a full refund will be made to the customer. The refund will be made in next billing cycle.
- The product will be refunded at the same price as it was sold to you.
- The settlement of the refund will only be affected once the bank has refunded the money which is next billing cycle from the date of application of refund.
- Refund will be made through the credit/debit card only for Online Credit Card Payment.
- Refund will be made through the PayPal account for PayPal payment.
Refund Conditions
The After Sales Service Office is the sole reference for any claim of refund.
Important- You should contact www.lankafoods.ae within two days.
Exchange or Refund
- Foods items are not subject to any exchange or refund, unless they are found defective. For the avoidance of doubt, ae shall, at its sole discretion, have the final say on whether the items are truly found defective.
- Refunds shall be made in the same manner in which the purchase of the item was made. For the avoidance of doubt, items that were purchased in cash shall be refunded in cash while items purchased by credit/debit card shall be refunded to the same credit/debit card.
- Home delivery items may only be refunded if the event of non-delivery, and upon the delivery team confirmation of such non-delivery.
- Used / Open items are not subject to any exchange or refund after delivery.
When a product at the time of picking is out of stock, lankafoods.ae will choose an alternative. If the price of the new product is higher, you will not be charged extra & if it’s less, you’ll pay the smaller amount.
Please note that the “Allow Substitute” option is based on the customer’s consent during checkout.
Contact Details:
Chamber 103, Dubai Flower Centre, Al Ittihad Road, Deira, Dubai, UAE
Tel : +971 50 720 4620, Email : info@lankafoods.ae